Jul 18, 2023
This time, Romain, Tor, and Chet talk with Leland Richardson, George Mount, and Chuck Jazdzewski from the Jetpack Compose team about performance. The team has been looking at performance issues recently and discusses what they’ve found, what gotchas lie in wait for library developers, what tools and compilers can magically handle for you... and what they can’t. Tune in to learn about why we worry about autoboxing (and why you probably shouldn’t).
Foreground: Romain, Tor, George, and Chuck
Background (on the monitor): Chet, Leland, and Cody (audio
engineer/producer), plus another view of the Studio with Romain,
Tor, George and Chuck again, for your recursive pleasure.
Romain: @romainguy and romainguy@androiddev.social
Tor: tor.norbye@threads and tornorbye@androiddev.social
Chet: @chethaase and chethaase@androiddev.social
Leland: @intelligibabble
George: @georgemount1
Chuck: @chuckjaz
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